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How to choose stainless Steel tableware

2018-02-01 11:55:55 浏览次数:45

In the purchase of time should pay special attention to the following:


How to buy Kitchenware

1, view the packaging:

Choose stainless Steel products should carefully check whether the outer packaging is marked with the material and steel, whether the manufacturer's name, site, telephone, container sanitary standard and so on.

2, important contrast:

Under normal circumstances, the same thickness and shape of stainless steel tableware, high-grade tableware will be more than the weight of low-grade tableware will be heavier.

3, refused to small vendors:

It is best not to buy the so-called stainless steel products in the hands of stall hawkers. These stainless steel tableware raw materials, rough production, contains a variety of harmful human health, especially lead, aluminum, mercury and cadmium.

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