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Stainless steel tableware cleaning and maintenance methods

2022-06-09 16:18:51 浏览次数:418
关键字:Stainless steel cutlery

1. Be careful not to scratch the surface. Do not use rough and sharp materials to scrub the stainless steel surface, especially the mirror light, use soft

The cloth that is not easy to fall off should be scrubbed. The sand steel and brushed surface should be wiped along the grain, otherwise it will be easy to make the surface scratched.

2. Avoid using detergents, steel balls, grinding tools, etc. containing bleaching ingredients and abrasives. In order to avoid residual detergents, corrosion of stainless steel surfaces

surface, rinse the surface with clean water at the end of the wash.

Stainless steel cutlery

3. If there is dust on the surface of stainless steel and dirt that is easy to remove, it can be washed with soap and weak washing. The binder component, use alcohol or organic solvent


4. The grease, oil and lubricating oil on the stainless steel surface should be cleaned with a soft cloth, and then washed with a neutral detergent or ammonia solution or a special washing machine.

agent cleaning. Bleach and various acids are attached to the surface of stainless steel. Rinse with water immediately, and then soak with ammonia solution or neutral carbonated soda solution.

Wash with neutral detergent or lukewarm water.

5. There is a rainbow pattern on the surface of stainless steel, which is caused by excessive use of detergent or oil. It can be washed off with warm water when washing.

6. The rust caused by the dirt on the stainless steel surface can be washed with 10% or abrasive detergent or with special detergent. as long as we use

Correct maintenance methods can prolong the service life of stainless steel and keep it clean, bright and gorgeous.

7. The rust spots of stainless steel cooking utensils should be dry ground with No. 0 water abrasive paper, but first determine whether they are rusted.

It can be removed by wiping with room cleaner or decontamination powder. You can also soak it in water overnight, then use a small piece of 1000-grit water sandpaper, and press it with your fingers on the burnt part

Grind carefully. Or buy a piece of 400 grit water sandpaper, soak it in water and grind it lightly for a few times to remove it.

Wipe the pot body, and the subtle scorch marks can be wiped off with a scouring pad dipped in decontamination powder and a little detergent.

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